About CHRC
...ct, preserve, and make available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and those ancillary records and items that reflect the growth and development of Catholicism within the Archdiocese in accordance with the approved Collection Access Policy. The CHRC also preserves and makes available to researchers records
10th Synod
...posals and vote on resolutions. After the process was completed, the final approved documents were sent to Bevilacqua to review and decide which if any of them to promulgate. The following May, the Archdiocese released its decrees of Synod Enactments.[13] The norms ranged from requiring all parishes to have coordinators
Saint John Neumann and the Forty Hours Devotion
...two churches: Saint Michael’s and Saint Augustine’s. Furthermore, the Know-Nothing Party continued the spread of nativist and Anti-Catholic rhetoric. [1] Despite the opposition, Bishop Neumann went ahead with plans of the implementation of the devotion. In The Church of St. Philip Neri: A History, a story is recounted: Wax
Misericordia Hospital
...tory.” [9] One-Half Century, 14 [10] First Report, 20 [11] First Report, 29-32. [12] One-Half Century, 15. [13] The Nursed Record of the First Graduating Class of the Misericordia Hospital (Philadelphia 1921), 25-27. [14] One-Half Century, 17. [15] "From Misericordia to Mercy Philadelphia: 100 Years of Compassionate Care, 1918-2018." [16]